Meezan Bank profit ups & Revised weightages for Dollar Mudarabah Certificate


Meezan Bank, the premier Islamic bank, has earned Rs 604.251 million as profit after tax translating an earning per share of Rs 1.88 in the year ended on December 2006, as compared to profit after tax of Rs 419.455 million and earning per share of Rs 1.46 in 2005.
.Meezan Bank is the first Islamic Bank in Pakistan to offer Term Deposits in US Dollar. This product is especially designed for people who are interested in investing Dollars to earn Halal profits. With only a minimum of US$ 10,000 you can invest in Dollar Mudarabah Certificate in flexible tenures of 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 3 years.
We are pleased to advise that with effect from March 1, 2007 following new tier have been created in the Dollar Deposit Pool for   Dollar Mudarabah Certificates (DMC). Our customers will now be able to earn higher profits on higher deposits The revision will be effective from 1st March 2007.

 DMC 3 months

 10K – 49.9K

 DMC 3 months

 50 K & Above

DMC 6 months

10K – 49.9K

DMC 6 months

50 K & Above

DMC 1 Year- Six monthly profit 

10K – 49.9K

DMC 1 Year- Six monthly profit 

50 K & Above

DMC 1 Year- Profit at maturity

10K – 49.9K

DMC 1 Year- Profit at maturity

50 K & Above

DMC 3 Years- Six monthly profit

10K – 49.9K

DMC 3 Years- Six monthly profit

50 K & Above

DMC 3 Years- Profit at maturity

10K – 49.9K

DMC 3 Years- Profit at maturity

50 K & Above

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