About Interest-Free Banking and Finance in Africa

Africa is the world’s second largest and most popular continent after Asia. With 1.0 billion people, it accounts for about 14.72% of the world’s human population. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, Islam is largest religion in Africa, followed by Christianity. The aim of this forum is to explore the untapped market of Africa and to adopt the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in interest-free banking and finance industry in Africa.

Previous Events SPEAKERS

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Mr. Zubair Mughal

Chief Executive Officer
AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics Pakistan
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Dr. Bernard Y. Kibesse (Chief Guest)

CDeputy Governor, Financial Stability and Deepening, Tanzania.
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Hon. Dr. Ashatu K. Kijaji (MP) (Chief Guest)

Deputy Minister Ministry of Finance and Planning, Tanzania.
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Pro. Faustin Kamuzora (Guest Of Honor)

Permanent Secretary , The Office of Vice President, Tanzania.
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Sheikh Abubakar Zubeir Mbwa (Guest Of Honor)

Grand Mufti, BAKWATA-The National Muslim Council of Tanzania, Tanzania.
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Mr. Said Salim Awadh Bakhres (Guest Of Honor)

Chairman, Bakhresa Group of Companies, Tanzania.

Event Agenda

Quickly harness dynamic thinking through value added models.

Frontier of Interest-free Banking and Takaful
Innovative Product Development for Interest-Free Banking
Regulatory Framework of interest-free Banking and Takaful in Africa
Interest-free Banking & Finance – Emerging Opportunity and Possible Challenges
Financial Inclusion through Interest-Free Banking and Takaful
Emerging trends of Islamic Fintech
Regulations & Supervision for the Smooth Development of Interest-Free banking & Takaful
Regulator Role to Promote the Industry
Sustainable Development and Financial Regulations
How to create Liquidity for Interest-Free Banking and Finance
Shariah Compliant Derivatives
Shariah Governance in Interest-Free Banking & Takaful
Developmental Role of Shariah Governance
Shariah Governance and Shariah Compliance Framework
Shariah Governance and Integrity in Product development procedures
Role of Sharia Audit in Interest-Free banking and Takaful
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Sukuk (interest-free Bond) & Interest-Free Capital Market
Sukuk as an Investment Avenue for country development
Asset based financing: A complete risk free solutions for International crises
Securitization of Assets
Interest-free Capital and Stock Market
Investment Opportunities in Africa and Ethiopia
Emerging trends of interest-free Finance in Africa
Creation of Shariah compliant investment avenues in Ethiopia- Need of the Time
How to attract FDI in Interest-Free Banking and Takaful
Takaful (interest-free Insurance)
Takaful (interest-free Insurance) and Takaful Models
How Takaful industry can facilitate interest-free financial industry in Africa
Innovative products of general & family Takaful
Vastly growing trends of Takaful Industry in Africa
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Post Event Workshop on Operational, Technical and Shariah Aspects of interest-free Banking and Takaful July 27, 2024 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A Glance on Interest-Free Banking and Finance
Riba and Prohibition of Riba
Economics Rationale for Free Prohibition of Riba
Development of Interest- Banking and Finance
Operational Aspects of Interest-Free Banking and Finance
AAOIFI, IFSB and its role
Shariah Foundation and Applications of Interest-Free Banking and Finance
Conceptual Framework of Interest-Free Banking and Finance
Interest-Free Banking and Finance Characteristics
Sustainability outreach and Problems pertaining to microfinance system
Contracts for Interest-Free Banking and Finance
Definition of a Contract
Importance of a Contract
Why a Contract?
Types of a Contract
Unilateral Contracts
Bilateral Contract
Validity of a Contract
Interest-Free Banking and Finance & its Product Mechanism
Interest-Free Banking Products mechanisms & Compatibility with Conventional Banking Products
Partnership Based Interest-Free Banking (Mudarabah & Musharakah) Products
Trade Based Modes of Interest-Free Banking (Murabahah, Salam, Istisna etc.)
Rental Based Products of Interest-Free Banking (Ijarah & Diminishing Musharakah)
Application of Trade, Partnership & Rental Based modes in Interest-Free Banking
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Travel Information

Quickly harness dynamic thinking through value added models.

Event Venue

Inter Luxury Hotel is a 5 star awarded luxurious Hotel. It is one of the few finest Five Star Hotels in the capital city Addis Ababa-Ethiopia. Read More

About Visa

Easy ways to get Visa for 5th International Interest-Free Banking & Takaful Forum - July 25 - 26, 2024 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Read More


Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country located in the Horn of Africa region of East Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea to the north, Djibouti to the northeast, Somalia to the east and southeast, Kenya to the south, South Sudan to the west, and Sudan to the northwest. Read More

5th International Interest-Free Banking & Takaful Forum Sponsorship Package