Our Target Market

Our Target Market

  • Islamic Banking Industry
    Include full-fledged Islamic banks and Islamic banking windows
  • Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Industry
    Include full-fledged Takaful operators and Takaful window operators
  • Islamic Microfinance Industry
    Islamic microfinance banks, institutions, Islamic micro-credits, Islamic co-operatives, and Islamic microfinance window operations
  • Islamic FinTech Industry
    Islamic FinTech-based solutions, companies, cryptocurrencies, etc.
  • Ijarah (Islamic Leasing) Industry
    Ijarah companies and Ijarah window operations
  • Islamic Mutual Funds and Management Companies
    Equity funds, Ijarah funds, Mudarbah Funds, Commodity funds, Real estate funds, Murabahah funds, Money market funds, and mixed funds
  • Sukuk Industry
    Sukuk structures and operational mechanism
  • Islamic Indices and Stock Markets
    Islamic indices, Stocks screening

Our Target Market

  • Islamic Banking Industry
    Include full-fledged Islamic banks and Islamic banking windows
  • Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Industry
    Include full-fledged Takaful operators and Takaful window operators
  • Islamic Microfinance Industry
    Islamic microfinance banks, institutions, Islamic micro-credits, Islamic co-operatives, and Islamic microfinance window operations
  • Islamic FinTech Industry
    Islamic FinTech-based solutions, companies, cryptocurrencies, etc.
  • Ijarah (Islamic Leasing) Industry
    Ijarah companies and Ijarah window operations
  • Islamic Mutual Funds and Management Companies
    Equity funds, Ijarah funds, Mudarbah Funds, Commodity funds, Real estate funds, Murabahah funds, Money market funds, and mixed funds
  • Sukuk Industry
    Sukuk structures and operational mechanism
  • Islamic Indices and Stock Markets
    Islamic indices, Stocks screening
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