5th International Interest-Free Banking & Takaful Forum - August 20 - 22, 2024 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - About Event

About AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking & Economics

Towards the pursuance of our goal to promote interest-free Banking and Finance all over the globe, AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics is working diligently since its existence 18 years ago. AlHuda CIBE has been acknowledged as a distinguished service provider due to our notable services, team of dedicated professionals and one stop solutions of interest-free Banking and Finance. Our aim is to provide state-of-the-art services of interest-free banking and finance. We are proud to be prominent for our Advisory and consultancy, research and development, education and capacity building, Shariah advisory, publication and events all over the world.

AlHuda CIBE is supported by many national and international organizations and institutions as Strategic Partners support and our Alumni have spread over 100 countries. We are proud to stand among world's largest presences for capacity building, trainings, consultancy and other services. More details are available at www.alhudacibe.com

About Interest-Free Banking and Finance in Africa

Africa is the world’s second largest and most popular continent after Asia. With 1.0 billion people, it accounts for about 14.72% of the world’s human population. According to the World Book Encyclopedia, Islam is largest religion in Africa, followed by Christianity.

The aim of this forum is to explore the untapped market of Africa and to adopt the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in interest-free banking and finance industry in Africa.

This conference will provide you with practical insights into:

• Global efforts and achievements in interest-free Banking and Takaful
• This effective platform will demonstrate the flexibility of interest-free financial markets during the current financial crisis.

5th International Interest-Free Banking & Takaful Forum Sponsorship Package